Satish is a mechanical engineer turned Career Counselor, having 8 + years of experience. He helped more than 1000 students to select careers according to their potential. He has held various online and offline sessions for different organizations, and institutes. Likewise, he has worked for State Government Project-Raj. Maharashtra, and many NGOs like Smile Found. , EY, Miracle, KOTEK, SVPS, Touch Found. And Antarang Found. He was also worked as a student development facilitator with Lakshyavedh Institute.

Satish believes that our current education does not fully impart the necessary of career decision-making. The appropriate guidance can empower an individual to design a learning path and give meaning to their education. With proper guidance, students and professionals can discover the right fit in working environment. With his empathetic listening, counseling and psychometric analysis skills, Satish helps individual to design their learning path which would results in positive work engagement and career satisfaction. Satish’s interest in psychology introduced him with personal counseling and coaching field. He began his journey as a career facilitator at Antarang Foundation and Idream- Career.